Andy Murray OBE backs parkrun for the NHS

Britain’s most successful male tennis player, Andy Murray, is encouraging people across the UK to take part in ‘parkrun for the NHS’ to celebrate the NHS’s 75th birthday and to take steps towards a more healthy, active lifestyle. Tens of thousands of people across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are expected to ‘parkrun for […]


NHS hits three million spring boosters

The NHS COVID-19 Vaccination Programme has vaccinated almost half of those eligible with a spring booster a month after the campaign’s formal launch. More than three million people have taken up the offer of a spring COVID jab to keep up their protection from the virus. Around 6.6 million people are eligible, including those aged […]


NHS cuts longest waits and speeds-up response times

The head of the NHS in England has hailed the ‘great strides’ the health service is making, as new figures show major improvements across long waits, urgent and emergency services, and cancer care. The number of patients waiting more than 18 months fell to just 10,737 by April – down by more than 90% from […]


Faster diagnostic tests for cancer

Hospitals are being asked to work towards a 10-day turnaround when delivering diagnostic test results to patients who have received an urgent referral for suspected cancer, as part of new plans to see and treat people for cancer as early as possible. This means hundreds of patients waiting to have cancer ruled out or diagnosed […]


NHS trucks for early lung cancer diagnosis

People in deprived areas are now more likely to be diagnosed with lung cancer at an earlier stage, thanks to the success of NHS lung trucks. For the first time ever, new data shows more than a third of people diagnosed with lung cancer from the most deprived fifth of England were diagnosed at stage […]


NHS community response teams to benefit millions of patients

Millions more people will benefit from quicker care at home thanks to the boosted rollout of healthcare teams in the community, as part of the NHS plan to recover urgent and emergency care services. Almost a quarter of a million people (226,895) have received urgent medical support from home – many avoiding a hospital stay […]


Awards recognising remarkable NHS workers

The NHS has launched the NHS Parliamentary Awards 2023, that recognise staff who have gone above and beyond the call of duty. The awards were created to celebrate NHS staff, carers and volunteers – their hard work, innovative ideas and unwavering efforts to put patients first – and this year they are even more special, […]


Check in and chat service for lonely and isolated

Over a thousand volunteers have signed up to provide friendly phone calls for patients in England who are vulnerable, isolated or lonely, as the NHS Volunteer Responders programme reintroduces its Check in and Chat service. GPs, pharmacists, and other healthcare workers are being encouraged to request Check in and Chat support for patients who are […]


Visit a pharmacy for minor illnesses

Just one in five people aged 18-40 would visit their local pharmacy first for expert advice with a minor illness, new polling has found. The NHS has today launched a new campaign to highlight how high-street pharmacies can support patients with non-urgent health advice for minor conditions including coughs, aches and colds. ‘Movie-inspired’ Help Us […]


NHS pilots artificial intelligence software

Artificial intelligence (AI) that predicts likely missed appointments and offers back up bookings will be piloted by the NHS in a bid to maximise resources and potentially save billions. Through algorithms and anonymised data, the technology breaks down the reasons why someone may not attend an appointment – using a range of external insights including […]