Our Mission

We, like everyone else, have been very grateful for the  super-human effort that the staff of the NHS have made, during the COVID-19 crisis. Always prepared to go the extra mile, even in times when there is no pandemic, their efforts over the past year have been extraordinary.

Holding the Line
NHS staff up and down the country have worked tirelessly and have gone above and beyond the call of duty to save lives and to keep us all well. The dedication of the men and women who work at every level of the NHS has been remarkable and has prompted the rest of us to think about what we can do to show our appreciation.  

Showing appreciation
It is natural to want to give them our thanks but we can go further. We want to do that and we know that our clients do too. Alongside the work NHS undertake on a daily basis, they have to keep their own lives and homes running.  With their time limited, we have as our mission to make their lives easier where we can and we are responding to the desire of our clients to give something back to these selfless workers.

Add your thanks
We want to show the admirable staff off the NHS how much we really do appreciate them and the sacrifices they continue to make, by offering them discounts from local businesses. We want to offer them the goods and services that they deserve and we want to show them our appreciation. In answer to a growing interest in offering rewards in the form of discounts and other incentives we invite you to join us in our mission to show our appreciation to the staff of the NHS and offer them tangible rewards for their on-going and untiring efforts on our behalf.