Get Involved

There are approximately 1.4 million staff working in the NHS and the Primary Care Magazine will be available for staff in all hospitals, health centres and clinics as well as local businesses in the UK.  That gives an impressive reach and added to that is the fact that any non-NHS worker can nominate an NHS worker to receive a copy. 

An Impressive Distribution
Imagine all those hospitals and clinics and health centres that will be seeing your advertisement and the benefits that it will offer the hard working staff of the NHS. 

It feels good to say thank you
As well as gaining new customers for your business, our clients tell us that what they like best about advertising in Primary Care Magazine is knowing that they have shown their appreciation to those people in the NHS, that we support. Our clients realise that offering discounts or other promotions through Primary Care Magazine, as well as  making life easier and more pleasant for all hard working NHS staff, they are also gaining an audience for their products and services.

Get involved
So that we can offer ways to get involved that will suit every pocket and circumstance, we have put together several different advertising packages which you will see on our ‘advertising’ page with prices on our rate card.  Alternatively give us a ring to discuss what you would like to do.  This is a real opportunity that makes sense both in the appreciation that it shows and in terms of business as well.